Why you need recruitment support

Being an executive search firm focused exclusively on Procurement roles, we are privileged at Procurement Executives to gain continuously insight into the many challenges Chief Procurement Officers and their Procurement departments are facing

The challenge is not finding right candidates.

The challenge is to actually get them to move them to you.

Being an executive search firm focused exclusively on Procurement roles, we are privileged at Procurement Executives to gain continuously insight into the many challenges Chief Procurement Officers and their Procurement departments are facing.

It is evident that today´s number one obstacle to mastering todays supply challenges is talent shortage.

Covering that, CPO´s tell me frequently that they have reached out to their own network to find a new procurement talent for a certain role.

Many are also mobilizing “Wanted Programs” asking employees to help identify relevant candidates and even asking them to actively reach out to their network on your Procurement departments behalf to support the recruiting the staff you need.

This is creative and proactive.

But it’s not good enough!

You need external support.


Because the challenge is not finding right candidates.

The challenge is to actually get them to move their talent to you.

You need help from professional senior people who knows the procurement role by heart and who can help communicating the right things to attract, motivate and arouse the right candidates to move to your company.

Whether you like it or not, increased competition for the best procurement talent also means that the scales have shifted in favor of the individuals.

Procurement Leadership also means, continuously getting the right people on your team.

Let´s discuss, how we can support you doing that.

when expertise matters!

Frank Godbersen
CEO at Procurement Executives
Call direct: +45 2426 3450
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